Sunday, May 20, 2012

Brother's Bond

Ketika pertama kali mendengar vonis dokter, Kendall bagaikan kehilangan arah. Sahabat yang sudah dianggapnya saudara sendiri itu diprediksikan hanya memiliki waktu hidup beberapa bulan lagi. Hitungannya sudah bukan tahun melainkan  bulan. Beberapa bulan yang rasanya akan berlalu dengan cepat, secepat mengedipkan mata.

Logan tak mengatakan apa-apa saat itu. Tak ada kata-kata perpisahan atau keluhan yang keluar dari bibirnya. Kendall tahu, Logan bukanlah orang yang suka mengumbar kegundahannya. Dia lebih senang menyembunyikan segala beban dihatinya dan nanti kalau dia sudah tak kuat lagi, dia akan menuangkannya dalam sebuah lagu. Lagu yang akhirnya akan selalu dinyanyikan Kendall di atas panggung.

Namun saat itu, ingin rasanya Kendall memeluknya, tak peduli fakta bahwa mereka berdua laki-laki dan akan terlihat sangat aneh kalau seseorang memergoki mereka  tengah berpelukan sambil menangis dipundak masing-masing. Kendall sampai harus menyingkir untuk menenangkan hatinya. Menguatkan diri agar jangan sampai menangis didepan Logan. Dia tak mau Logan tahu bahwa dirinya takut. Takut kalau harus hidup tanpa Logan.

“Hey Buddy...” Kendall masuk ke ruang perawatan Logan. Perutnya seketika mual melihat bermacam-macam selang yang berseliweran disekeliling tubuh sahabatnya itu, ditambah jarum-jarum medis yang merajam tubuh Logan. “How you feeling?” katanya menampilkan cengiran khas Kendallnya, berusaha menutupi perasaannya sendiri.

“Good...” bisik Logan lemah. Dia baru selesai menjalankan terapi medis—terapi yang sebenarnya takkan merubah keadaannya, hanya memberinya sedikit waktu tambahan. Tapi walaupun begitu orang tua Logan bersikeras melakukannya. Mereka, sama halnya dengan Kendall, sangat berharap keajaiban akan datang menghampiri Logan.

Kendall mendekat keranjangnya. Dari mata Logan yang sudah separuh tertutup dia yakin sebentar lagi Logan akan terlelap kealam mimpi. Obat bius yang dokter berikan mulai bekerja.

“Sleep well bud.. aku akan selalu disini menemanimu.” Kendall membisikkan kata-kata itu lembut. Logan sempat tersenyum sekilas, sebelum dia akhirnya tertidur.


“Kendall... kau curang!!”

“Enak saja, itu namanya taktik...”

“Oke...rasakan ini.”

“Hey... itu baru namanya curang..”

“Oh tidak buddy itu namanya taktik...”

“Copy cat..”


“Kau yang loser..”

Kendall dan Logan saling pandang, kemudian tertawa.

“Lain kali akan aku buat kau menangis.”

“Good luck with that.” Logan menjulurkan lidahnya.

Tiba-tiba handphone Kendall berdering. Kendall melihat layarnya, tetapi mengabaikan teleponnya.

“Kau tidak ingin mengangkatnya?” tanya Logan bingung.

Kendall menggeleng. “Gak penting kok.”

“Memangnya siapa yang menelepon?”

“Bukan siapa-siapa.”


Kendall mengangguk.

“Kupingmu memerah loh..”

“Oh baiklah.. aku memang tidak bisa bohong padamu.”

Logan terkekeh. “Jadi siapa cewek ini?”

“Aku kan gak bilang dia cewek.”

“Bukan ya...”

“Well.... Iya sih...”

Logan terkekeh lagi. “Namanya?”

 “Uh... kau ingat Jo Taylor teman SMA kita dulu?”

“Yang pirang itu, yang pernah naksir aku?”

“Ya dia...”

“Jadi kau kencan sama Jo?” Waw...”

“Kami gak kencan. Aku bertemu dia minggu lalu waktu manggung di acara amal itu, dia salah satu panitianya. Terus kami tukeran nomer telepon kalau-kalau ada acara amal lagi dan dia membutuhkan aku..”

“Kendall... Kendall....” Logan meletakkan sebelah tangannya yang tak tersambung ke selang infus di bahu Kendall, menatapnya dengan pandangan menggurui. “Kapan kau akan belajar bahwa kau tidak bisa membohongi seorang Logan? kau naksir Jo, jelas sekali kok dari wajahmu.”

“Aku gak...... oh fine, aku emang naksir dia. Kau gak marahkan?”

“Kenapa harus marah?”

“Karena dulu Jo naksir kamu.”

Logan tertawa, yang malah membuatnya tersedak, Kendall buru-buru memberinya air minum.

“You okay?” tanya Kendall cemas.

“It’s ok...” Logan melambai-lambaikan tangannya. “Kembali ke Jo. Kau gak ingat dulu aku mati-matian nolak dia. Dia bukan tipeku dude, santai saja.”

Kendall tersenyum. “Thanks’re the best bud ever.”

“No chick-flick moment please..”

“Haha.. oke sorry.”

“Jadi kau sudah mengajaknya kencan?”

“Belum... Uh.. entahlah..aku rasa aku harus minta izin dulu padamu?”

“Kendall aku bukan orang tuamu. Ajak saja dia kencan. Nanti kalau dia diserobot cowok lain baru tahu rasa kau.”

Handphone Kendall berdering lagi.


Kendall mengangguk.

“Sana, ajak dia kencan. Aku gak mau jadi pelampiasan sakit hatimu kalau Jo jadian sama cowok lain.”

Kendall nyengir ke arah Logan sebelum dengan bersemangat keluar ruangan untuk mengangkat telepon. Dia tak melihat senyum sedih yang terlukis di wajah pucat Logan.


Logan sudah berteman dengan Kendall sejak dia bisa mengingatnya. Dari taman kanak-kanak sampai sekarang mereka selalu bersama. Banyak yang bilang mereka gay. Karena kemanapun Logan pergi, Kendall selalu mengekor, begitu pula sebaliknya. Tapi mereka tak pernah mengambil hati cibiran orang. Buat Logan, Kendall adalah sahabat terbaik yang Tuhan berikan untuknya. Saat preman-preman sekolah menghadanganya, Kendalllah orang yang berdiri membelanya. Ketika dia tak sengaja memecahkan kaca jendela di ruang kepala sekolah, Kendall yang menanggung  semua hukuman menggantikan dirinya. Kendall selalu ada untuknya. Bahkan ketika dia terbaring sakit seperti ini, menunggu ajal menjemput. Tak pernah sekalipun Kendall berbalik dan meninggalkannya. Dia malah menemani Logan sepanjang waktu yang dimilikanya. Tak peduli walaupun dia capek setelah manggung. Kendall selalu menyempatkan diri menjenguknya. Menceritakan segala hal yang terjadi di luar sana. Karena sejak tumor otak ganas yang merampas kesehatannya, Logan tak bisa lagi meninggalkan tempat tidur.

Jadi ketika Kendall dengan wajah sumringah menceritakan bahwa akhirnya dia jadian dengan Jo. Logan menekan sakit hatinya dalam-dalam. Dia tersenyum lebar untuk Kendall, selebar luka yang menganga dihatinya.

Tak ada yang tahu, bahwa sejak dulu Logan naksir Jo. Dan betapa bahagianya dia ketika tahu kalau Jo juga menyukainya. Tetapi ketika melihat wajah Kendall, Logan harus menelan rasa bahagianya. Kendall memang tak mengatakannya, tapi Logan tahu. Kendall juga naksir Jo. Dan karena tak ingin mengecewakan Kendall. Logan memasang topeng cuek dan tak peduli di depan Jo. Menolaknya ketika gadis itu mengajaknya kepesta dansa. Sakit memang, terlebih ketika melihat wajah sakit hati Jo ketika ditolak. Tapi buat Logan perasaan Kendall yang lebih penting. Logan lebih tak ingin kehilangan Kendall daripada Jo.

Logan berbaring diam di ranjangnya. Malam sudah larut, lampu rumah sakit sudah dipadamkan. Hanya suara mesin-mesin medis yang tersambung ke tubuhnya yang membelah kesunyian malam. Sekarang akhirnya Kendall bisa bersama gadis yang diidamkannya. Ada rasa iri menyusup kehati Logan. Kenapa bukan dia yang saat ini bersama Jo. Kenapa dia harus berbaring tak berdaya disini. Kenapa selalu Kendall yang lebih beruntung.  Dia ingin bisa berjalan-jalan lagi, minum segelas atau dua gelas bir mungkin, kencan, merasakan nikmatnya masa muda. Bukannya menghabiskan waktu bersama alat-alat yang berdengung menjengkelkan di kamar rumah sakit yang bau seperti ini.

Logan ingin menjadi Logan lagi. Kenapa penyakit ini harus memilihnya? Kenapa Tuhan tidak mengambil saja nyawanya, jadi dia tidak harus merasakan sait hati seperti ini. Logan benci hidupnya.


“Bagaimana keadaan Logan?”

“Sudah stabil sekarang.” Kendall menghempaskan diri di bangku kayu Rumah Sakit. Jo duduk disebelahnya mengusap punggungnya, menenangkan. Padahal Kendall datang bersama Jo. Dia ingin Logan bertemu lagi dengan Jo. Padahal dia berharap malam itu akan dihabiskan dengan canda tawa mengenang masa lalu mereka. Tapi tiba-tiba Logan kolaps. Garis-garis di mesin medis itu bergerak menggila. Tubuh Logan kejang-kejang. Kendall sampai harus diseret perawat untuk keluar dari ruang perawatan Logan. Dia tak mau meninggalkan sahabatnya itu berjuang sendirian.

“Seandainya aku bisa menggantikannya..” bisik Kendall lemah. Biar dia yang merasakan sakit itu, biar dia yang terbaring disana. Kendall rela walau harus mati demi Logan.

Jo memeluknya, Kendall tak tahan lagi, dia menangis dipelukan Jo. Menumpahkan segala beban hatinya di pundak gadis itu. Tak peduli kalau nanti Jo menganggapnya cowok cengeng. Seandainya air mata bisa mengembalikan keadaan Logan, Kendall tak keberatan menangis seumur hidupnya. Segala cara akan dia lakukan, agar Logan bisa sehat kembali.


Ibu Logan menaburkan abu putranya sambil berurai air mata. Kendall berdiri disampingnya, memandang kelamnya air laut dibawah. Mereka berdiri di pinggir pelabuhan. Mengantarkan Logan ke tempat peristirahatan terakhirnya. Kontras dengan ibu Logan yang terus terisak. Kendall menangis dalam diam. Air mata tak berhenti mengalir dari rumah duka sampai sekarang. Ini permintaan Logan, dia ingin agar dirinya dikremasi dan abunya ditaburkan ke laut. Walau sudah tidak bernafas dia ingin agar bagian dirinya bebas pergi, mengalir mengikuti arus laut.

Kendall menyeka matanya dengan punggung tangan. Pandangannya kabur. Teringat terakhir kali dia bersama Logan. Padahal saat itu sahabatnya tengah tidur nyenyak. Tak ada tanda-tanda kondisinya akan memburuk lagi. Sampai dia mendapat telepon dari Mama Henderson di pagi buta. Beliau mengatakan bahwa Logan kolaps lagi. Dan ketika dia tiba dirumah sakit, semua sudah terlambat. Sahabatnya sudah pergi meninggalkannya, selamanya. Air mata pertama Kendall jatuh saat dia melihat tubuh Logan terbaring kaku. Kendall menggengam tanganya, dingin.

“Dude... ini tidak lucu. Kau harus bangun!! Aku belum mengalahkanmu di balapan terakhir. Kau tidak bisa pergi sekarang. Katamu kau akan jadi Bestman ku saat menikah nanti. Logan... jangan jadi pengkhianat. Bangun idiot!!!” dia mengguncang-guncang  tubuh kaku Logan, membuat dua perawat menyergapnya dan menyeretnya keluar ruangan.

Dia belum siap. Tidak dengan cara seperti ini. Dia masih ingin bercanda bersama Logan. Masih ingin menontonnya tertidur. Dia belum menyampaikan berita pertunangannya dengan Jo.

Kenapa Logan harus pergi secepat ini. Selama beberapa bulan ini Kendall memang sudah dipersiapkan untuk melepas Logan, tapi dia belum ingin. Logan masih berhutang banyak padanya.

Jo meremas bahu Kendall, dia juga menangis. Kendall menarik nafas dalam. Diremasnya tangan Jo lembut.

Logan, tenanglah disana. Aku akan melanjutkan perjuanganmu dari sini. Aku akan pastikan lagumu tetap mengalun di atas panggung. Aku akan menjaga Jo untukmu.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Twitter Effect

 this is like your post on twitter.. so read this like you stalk on someone's tweet.. LOL
i got this idea from my friend, so thanks to her :) hope you get it...and enjoy...
reviews are always welcome :D

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
I’m boreed -,-                    about 4 hours ago

Logan Mitchell  @LoganMitchell
“ @TheKnight: I’m boreed -,-“ Sameeee                            about 4 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@LoganMitchell @TheKnight want some of my corndogs??                  about 4 hours ago

Logan Mitchell  @LoganMitchell
@helmetboy @TheKnight no thanks, i’m full...                             about 4 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
what about you @TheKnight ??                              about 4 hours ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
@helmetboy @LoganMitchell what?? Soory Jo was texting me..                        about 3 hours ago

LoganMitchell @LoganMitchell
@TheKnight i see..                       about 3 hours ago

Guys.. why do you talk on twitter?? We’re sitting side by side.... @helmetboy @TheKnight @LoganMitchell                              about 3 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
nah its fun... @KINGDIAMOND @TheKnight @LoganMitchell                            about 3 hours ago          

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
Beside it helps to kill my boredom..  @KINGDIAMOND @helmetboy @LoganMitchell                           about 3 hours ago

Kay then @TheKnight @helmetboy @LoganMitchell                              about 3 hours ago

Hey look who’s that handsome guy in the mirror?? Oh wait thats me.. James *,*            about 2 hours  ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
RT @KINGDIAMOND Hey look who’s that handsome guy in the mirror?? Oh wait thats him.. CARLOS*,*        about 2 hours  ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
The hell @helmetboy why did you RT that kind of tweet @KINGDIAMOND ????         about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@TheKnight @KINGDIAMOND haha Look i edited it!!!!                           about 2 hours ago

Logan Mitchelle @LoganMitchelle
@helmetboy @TheKnight @KINGDIAMOND  LOL                   about 2 hours ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchell
RT @helmetboy RT @KINGDIAMOND Hey look who’s that handsome guy in the mirror?? Oh wait thats him.. CARLOS*,*                       about 2 hours ago

STOP SCREWING MY TWEET @helmetboy and STOP LAUGHING @LoganMitchell grrrrr D:<                              about 2 hours ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
Hahahahaha ohh i see @helmetboy @LoganMitchell                                about 2 hours ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
RT!!!!!!!!!! @helmetboy RT @KINGDIAMOND Hey look who’s that handsome guy in the mirror?? Oh wait thats him.. CARLOS*,*                       about 2hours ago

STOOP RT-ing IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @TheKnight      about 2 hours ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
LOLOL sorry @KINGDIAMOND cant help it.... :P                          about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
Look @KINGDIAMOND , @TheKnight and @LoganMitchell are agree that i am handsome!! :P                          about 2 hours ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchell
@helmetboy @TheKnight nope you aren't..                     about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@LoganMitchell @TheKnight but you RT-ed my tweet!!                         about 2 hours ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchelle
@helmetboy @TheKnight i did that just to teased @KINGDIAMOND                              about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@LoganMitchell well then Kendall must thinks i am handsome, right @TheKnight                    about 2 hours ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
@helmetboy *hig five with @LoganMitchell                 about 2 hours ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
@helmetboy @LoganMItchell sorry, what did you say Carlos??                            about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@TheKnight @LoganMitchell forget it -________________-“                 about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@TheKnight @LoganMitchell hey where’s @KINGDIAMOND by the way??                  about 2 hours ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchell
@helmetboy @TheKnight @KINGDIAMOND you mean the annoying boy who’s busy with his hair that happen to sit next to me??                       about 2 hours ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
@LoganMitchell @helmetboy ah god... @KINGDIAMOND STOP TALKING TO THE MIRROR!!!                         about 2 hours ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchell
RT @TheKnight @LoganMitchell @helmetboy ah god... @KINGDIAMOND STOP TALKING TO THE MIRROR!!!                      about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
RT @TheKnight @LoganMitchell @helmetboy ah god... @KINGDIAMOND STOP TALKING TO THE MIRROR!!!                      about 2 hours ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@TheKnight @LoganMitchell @KINGDIAMOND it’s useless  he wont hear you if you yelled here -__-    about 2 hours ago

You guys are jealous because i am more handsome, good looking, and hotter  than you.. *comb my hair.* @TheKnight @helmetboy @LoganMitchell                              about  an hour ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchell
Oh no... @helmetboy @TheKnight somebody please stop @KINGDIAMOND                             about an hour ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
I did!! :D @LoganMitchell                          about an hour ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
Oh if i were you @helmetboy i wouldnt smack @KINGDIAMOND ‘s head with a shoe.                             about an hour ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy
@TheKnight @KINGDIAMOND why not??? It made him shut up.                         about an hour ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
@helmetboy because @KINGDIAMOND would do that..                        about an hour ago

Corndogs Lover @helmetboy

Wait you stupid Corndogs Lover @helmetboy                  about an hour ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchell
Hahahahaha this is FUN!!!!!! @TheKnight                          about an hour ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
IKR!!!! @LoganMitchell :DD                     about an hour ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
RT @LoganMitchell Hahahahaha this is FUN!!!!!! @TheKnight                               about an hour ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
@LoganMitchell Should we help @helmetboy ??                        about 50 minutes ago

Logan Mitchell @LoganMitchell
@TheKnight nah.. i think he can help himself..                               about 50 minutes ago

Kendall Knight @TheKnight
@LoganMitchell i think so.. :P                                         about 50 minutes ago


Carlos Pena @TheCarlosPena
Hey @jamesmaslow @HeffronDrive  @1LoganHenderson try stalking @KINGDIAMOND @TheKnight @helmetboy and @LoganMitchell tweets, they’re funny..                            about 3 minutes ago

James Maslow @jamesmaslow
@TheCarlosPena @HeffronDrive  @1LoganHenderson @KINGDIAMOND @TheKnight @LoganMitchell i know.. hahahaha ;) Xoxo JM                     about 3 minutes ago

Kendall Schmidt @HeffronDrive
@TheCarlosPena @jamesmaslow  @1LoganHenderson @KINGDIAMOND @TheKnight @helmetboy @LoganMitchell stupid and foolish.. LOL :D                               about 3 minutes ago

Logan Henderson @1LoganHenderson
@TheCarlosPena @jamesmaslow  @HeffronDrive who are they?? @KINGDIAMOND @TheKnight @helmetboy @LoganMitchell                                about a few second ago


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

James' Imagine

“Mooooom daddy’s mean!!!”

You stopped yourself from swirling the soup you cooked, looked at your little girl walked in the kitchen with an annoyed face. James followed her behind, holding a cereal bowl in right hand, and milk in left hand.

“Daddy’s not mean, daddy’s just trying to make you eat your breakfast.” James explained half grumbled

“But daddy said if i don't eat my cereal i cant go to zoo this weekend. That’s mean.” Your little girl’s pouting.

You just smiled. James looked at you asking for a help. You squatted in front of your daughter, looked at her  fondly.

“Dear.. your school bus is gonna be here in fifteen minutes if you not eat your breakfast now, you’re gonna be late.”

“But Mom...i wanna go to the zoo.”

“of course we will honey. Mom and Daddy have promised you right.

Your little girl smiled  “Kay...”then she took the bowl and milk from James and ran to the dinning table, ate her breakfast.

“How did you do that??” asked James amazed.

“With the power of mom.” You said mischievously.

“Ughhh..” he grumbled poured a glass of orange juice and drank it.

“you just need to spend more time with her, she’s just an 8-year old girl who needs her daddy.”

“I know...”James bowed. “I’mma bad dad.”

“No.. you’re not bad. You are the awesomest, coolest daddy ever. Come on don’t be sad.”

He lifted up his face, looking at you and smiling. “and you are the best mommy ever.” He said as pulling you closer.

“We are the perfect parents..” you said kissing his lips softly.

“Mommy, Daddy.. i’m still here.” You heard your little girl screaming  from the door, you pulled yourself away from James, laughing at your daughter who’s covering her face from saw you and James kissed.

“Come here honey, you finished your cereal already?”

She ran to your hug and nodded. “And the bus has already here.”

“Okay.. lets get you ready.” You finished your soup and helped your daughter get ready for her school. You placed her bag on her back, then walked her to her bus.

She kissed your and James’ cheeks, before she go.

“Be a good girl kay.” Said James.

“I always be a good girl daddy.”

“Daddy knows..” he winked at her and gave the last goodbye kiss as the bus started to leave.

“Well.. it’s only two of us now..” James said mischievously.

“Sooo...” you rolled your eyes.

“Maybe we can finish what we started last night.”

You laughed. “Don’t start it. You know i cant stop, and you have work to do today right.”

He sighed “yeah you right... here comes another shoot.” He said sarcastic.

“you better get ready.. you don't want Ranel comes here to pick you up again, do you.” You pulled him back to the house.

“Kay..Kay..” he sighed again.”


“Mommy where is daddy..” you and your daughter sat on a bench in the middle of zoo. James late for an hour, and she refused to walk around again until her dad comes.

“Maybe the traffic trapped him darling. He’ll come, dont worry.”

“But it’s almost an hour. Daddy’s not gonna be here. He’s lying again.” She started to cry.

“sssshh... don't cry little girl, daddy’s gonna come. He’s just a bit late.”

“He’s not.... daddy doesn't love me.” Your daughter cried louder.

You hugged her and calmed her down. You’ve tried to call James,but he didnt answer the phone. He always like this, he never has time for his daughter. You understand that his job always keep him busy but your daughter doesnt. She wants her dad, but her dad will never makes it up to her.

“I’m sorry baby.. daddy’s late because of this.”

“James...” you surprised as he came and sat next to you. Holding balloons, hoping your daughter would forgive him.

“Look daddy brought balloons for you.”

But your daughter refused to see, she burried her face in your arms, still crying.

James looked at you sadly. His feeling must be hurt, he has tried to come, but your daughter refused him.

“Dear..look daddy has came for us. Forgive daddy please.” You tried to explain.

“I hate daddy,, daddy doesn't love me!!”

James sighed sorrowfully. “If daddy doesn't love you, then why daddy’s here now? I’m sorry for being late but i thought you’ve understood about my job.”

Your daughter still in silence.

“We better go home. She doent want to play anymore.” You said to James. James nodded. You carried your daughter to the car and you went back home.

It’s getting late as you arrived in the house. Your daughter ran to her room immidiately, James wanted to catch her up but you prevented him.

“Lets just leave her alone for a moment.”

James sat on the couch, pulled his hair frustrated. “I’m a really bad dad.”

You rubbed his back softly. He leaned his head on your shoulder. “You are not, you’re just a little busy.”

“My own daughter hates me.”

“She’s just dissapointed now. There’s no way she would hate her dad. She loves you James.”

James lifted his head, kissed your forehead tenderly. “I cant imagine if you’re not here. You’re the best wife and mother i could ever asked.”

You smilled and hugged him. “Let me talk to her. You should take a rest.”

You went to your daughter’s room. She bend in her blanket, sobbing. You caressed her hair softly, she went closer and hugged you.

“Do you hate daddy?”

She shook her head. “I love daddy. But why daddy cant keep promises?”

“Daddy didn't mean to do that dear. Daddy is very very busy. You’ve seen him in set right, he has to do this, he has to do that. You remember what Unca Kendall, Logan, and Carlos told you?”

She nodded. “That i have to be proud of dad.”

“Exactly... daddy did this all for us. Don't be mad at daddy nomore kay.”

Your daughter smiled. “Yes mommy, i love daddy. And i am proud of him.”

“Now, go apologize to daddy.”

You held her to your room.

“Daddy...” she peeping trough the door, James was sitting in the edge of bed, looking at the picture of your little family that hanging on the wall..

“Hey princess come here..”

Your little girl ran to his hug. “I’m sorry daddy for saying those bad things to you. I Love you daddy. You are the best daddy in the world.”

James hugged her tight. “I’m sorry too baby, i cant keep my promise but next time i swear, we will go picnic together and i wont be late.”

Your daughter smiled happily, then she kissed James. “Mommy can i sleep with you tonight?” asked her to you.

“Sure thing darling, you can sleep with us anytime you want.”

“Yaaaay!!!” she yelled excitedly. Then she crawled up to the bed, sleep in the middle of you and James. She hugged you two tightly.

“Daddy, can you sing me a lullaby? I love it when you sing to me.”

“Of course darling,  anything for my baby.”

James started sing her lullaby, until she fell asleep in his arms.

“Thank you.” He said to you.

“No need to thank me babe.”

James pulled you closer. Then kissed you passionately, by that you know how much he loves you and your little daughter